Space Goblin Studio, an indie team with “AAA credentials,” has revealed that its debut game, Astrobotanica, will be released in early access in 2025.
Offering a “unique blend of survival, exploration, and plant magic,” Astrobotanica is described as a “lush open-world survival adventure” that “transports players to prehistoric Earth, where an alien botanist crash-lands while searching for plant species to save his dying home planet, Aya.”
You can see it in action in the trailer below:
The team, which includes developers who have worked on Dead Island and Dying Light, “plans to collaborate closely with players in future development, to ensure relevance and playability while also delivering a larger, meaningful message” as players grow, research, and experiment with plant species that could thrive on Aya.
“Astrobotanica is a game we always wanted to play,” said Arkadiusz Wołniak, founder of Space Goblin Studio.
“I look forward to breathing new life into the survival genre by combining innovative gameplay with familiar themes. With the support of players, I'm confident we'll make Astrobotanica an extraordinary title, while working towards the future of co-op.”
For now, the release is limited to Early Access on Steam only, and its release window is currently a rather vague “2025.”