Rory Feek denies cult links and accusations of endangering daughter Indy

When Rory and Rebecca went on their honeymoon, they left Indiana in the care of the family Heidi had expressed concern for, though Rory defended them on her blog, calling the couple “the kindest, most beautiful people I have ever met in my life.”

He went on to note that Indiana, who served as a flower girl at her sister Hopie's wedding in 2018, “absolutely” misses her sisters after he banned her from visiting them.

“Every couple of months, I used to let Indiana spend a night or two with her older sisters in Alabama, but about a year ago I stopped allowing her to do that,” Rory wrote. “Mainly because they refused to respect my wishes when she was there.”

The self-described conservative Christian acknowledged that he has different views than his older children and said that Heidi and Hopie did not respect his wishes when it came to the boundaries he set for Indiana. Things then got even more heated within the family.

“When Child Protective Services called me out of the blue, saying that Indiana had been reported neglected, along with other allegations, Heidi and Hopie lost their right to speak to their little sister,” Rory wrote. “The situation had escalated to the point where they were recording conversations they had with her and egging her on to further their plans to find ammunition to use against me, and it had become clear that Heidi was not looking out for Indiana’s best interest, she was looking for revenge and a way to hurt me, no matter the cost, and I was not going to let Indiana be a part of this anymore.”

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